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CIICESI welcomed a PhD student from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
PhD student at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, who conducted research for four months at CIICESI, won an award at the XXXIII International Conference of ACEDE.
The University of Orléans, in collaboration with the Loire Valley Data Hub, hosted a two-day event focusing on scientific and industrial synergies in IoT, robotics and security.
CIICESI PhD Research Fellow took part in the 23rd edition of the International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing – IAPNM 2024
The Serralves Foundation and Portugal Innovation Social organized a conference aimed at stimulating reflection and action on social innovation initiatives.
CIICESI PhD Research Fellow took part in the 6th International Conference on Energy & Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics (ICEE 2024).
CIICESI's researchers wins "best paper" at the 13th International Scientific Conference "Region, Entrepreneurship, Development" (RED)
CIICESI PhD Research Fellow took part in the 2nd edition of the Lincoln Innovation and Entrepreneurship Colloquium - LEIC 2024
CIICESI was a partner in organizing the international conference "Business Issues from the Future Specialists' Point of View 2024".
The first edition of "Science Talks" was dedicated to "Sustainability of Small Things, a perspective on companies"