The conference took place on July 2nd in Serralves and the objectives of this conference were to stimulate reflection and action regarding social innovation initiatives, bringing together different agents such as social investors, social entrepreneurs and policy makers. Marisa Ferreira, integrated researcher of the CIICESI — Center for Innovation and Research in Business Sciences and Information Systems — from School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic of Porto, was present at this initiative, taking part in the round table – together with colleagues from Fundação de Serralves, Fundação Ageas, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciência das Educação da Universidade do Porto, IES-SBS, and the project Movimento 55+ - dedicated to the theme, "Social Innovation: What Impact?". Discussing the impact of social innovation involves understanding a comprehensive cycle, and by addressing each phase—problem identification, solution, investment, training, and evaluation—the panel has discussed the impact of social innovation and its potential to significantly enhance community well-being and drive positive change.