Yes Igualdade
Given the concerns with gender inequality that have encouraged much of the research on gender-stereotype development, an unexpected gap in the literature exists concerning perceptions of gender inequality itself, consequently the development of empowering approaches might be restricted and/ or partial.
This project intends to promote the reduction of inequalities and the balanced distribution of available resources; promote the public and political participation of men, women and young people; involve the public and private sector in the fight against gender inequalities; ensure that gender mainstreaming is real in decision-making, policy-making and society management.
Firstly, the project will identify and understand gender inequality perceptions and, secondly, will develop and apply methodologies that will allow changes in perceptions, behaviors and / or acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Notwithstanding gains made by the women’s movement over the last few decades, gender inequality, more specifically inequality in the power and status accorded to males and females is still a established part of our cultural and social context.
The main objectives of this projects are:
Characterization and identification of needs and obstacles to the civic and political participation of women and girls and vulnerable groups;
Application of methodologies for assessing changes in perception / behavior and / or acquisition of knowledge / skills of the participants in the project demonstrating that at least 75% of the participants demonstrate a positive change in perception / behavior and / or acquisition of knowledge / skills in the areas subject to training / awareness.